Monday, July 18, 2005

Silence (Enjoying it...)

I am not exactly going through a writer's block, but I haven't found too many exciting/thought-provoking things to write about for about a week or so now...It's been a period of silence...Most of the posts last week are direct quotes that I found to be profound. I've been reading 3 books parallely for some time now...100% Mind Power, An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire and Sophie's World...good books! I am also, I guess, getting sucked into work given the fact that I 'am working against a seemingly formidable deadline! :) But, I am sort of enjoying the silence. It's building my potential energy and well, I am also using it for formulating some plans at work... ;)

Let's see if I'll find some food for thought this week! That said, it's actually gonna be a freaky and noisy week as my cousin and her kids are coming home after a long long time! :)

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