Wednesday, October 27, 2004

KM and Budgets/Financial Matters

Still amongst my newsletters:

Stephen Covey says “Have you ever been so busy driving (read working), that you had no time to take gas (read knowledge)?” The context is that one ought to Budget time for knowledge gathering to keep driving @ work. It is very important to manage Financial Capital, and like-wise equally important to manage Knowledge Capital. The assets in the knowledge Balance Sheet reflect the extent to which Knowledge is managed and the liabilities reflect the Knowledge that went un-captured. The Bottom line for organizations is not whether they have enough of physical assets but whether they have enough of knowledge, skills and attitude to carry out the projects. Going back to Covey’s quote, it is important to Profit from knowledge repositories like KNet, so as to not find yourself at a Loss and stranded without fuel for the mind. Apart from stopping at the Knowledge Bunk, make sure you credit some knowledge to your KNet Account. That will definitely fetch enough interest from the stake-holders. Your growth rate is sure to be improved by leaps and bounds when you budget enough time for collaborating through learning and sharing. There will be no nagging Knowledge Deficit. What else can one ask for?